Infomasters Software Solutions News
Will paper receipts become a thing of the past?
27 October 2016
Tesco is trialling a system where an e-receipt is sent to the customer instead of a paper print out. Is this the beginning of the end for paper receipts?

Intouch Retail Gift Card Solution
13 September 2016
We are excited to announce that the issuing and redemption of Gift Cards is now available via the Intouch Halo Value Added Service.

Intouch Retail Apps available for iOS and Android
30 June 2016
The popularity of smart phones and mobile devices is continually increasing, more people than ever use a device for work, keeping in touch and accessing information while on the go.
Beacons Reach Beyond Retail To Banking, Horse Racing, Search
13 June 2016
While still the potential darling of retailers, beacons are moving way out of that arena. The little radio-transmitting devices, which can either quietly or blatantly tap into authorized smartphone apps to trigger things or gather information, are graduating into all areas of life.
The Parable of the Two Programmers
13 June 2016
Once upon a time, unbeknownst to each other, the "Automated Accounting Applications Association" and the "Consolidated Computerized Capital Corporation" decided that they needed the identical program to perform a certain service.

Infomasters lanches retail solutions website
13 June 2016
Retail point of sale software from Infomasters Software Solutions effectively implements and supports solutions in the Southern African region.